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May 5, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet activities in Syria

This document was made possible with support from Youmna and Tony Asseily


Beirut, May 5, 1949

Number 21/ The Russian Legation continues to pay close attention to the Syrian issue.  I was invited to meet with Victor Nicolai yesterday afternoon. Mr. Bisranco and Ivanov were also there. Nicolai asked me:

The National Party is the one that came out of the national bloc in Syria. It is also the party that the Syrian government has adopted during Al-Quwatli rule, so how did this party become attached to Husni Al-Za’im to the extent that Sabri Al-Asali, its leader, is undertaking various missions for Al-Za’im.

There has to be important secrets behind these movements.  Can we find out what they are?

I responded that I will look into it.

Second – Bisranco told me that the National Party has now decided to cooperate with Husni Al-Za’im.  He had tried to renew the [illegible] agreement with France. It supports the Anglo-American policy that has been rejected by the Ba’ath and the Sha’b parties that were in the beginning working with Al-Za’im.  So what is the reason behind their flipping over on him and the National Party sticking with him?

Third – Nicolai said: Emir Adil Arsalan took a trip to Turkey prior to the Syrian coup d’etat for days.  His trip didn’t last more than a few hours.  It was said that he had been to Syria awhile ago to meet with Misbah Al-makhbash regarding a charity committee. He appointed Emir Adil to run this [charity].

I have information that indicates that the Turks are involved in the Syrian coup and that Emir Adil Arsalan has full knowledge of this before it even happened.  Likewise, The Turks are involved through an agreement with the Americans.

Can we find out the purpose of this trip that Emir Adil Arsalan took to Turkey and the real people he met with there?

Fourth – What is the new maneuver that Riad Al Solh is making by reaching out to the Arab government parties.

Is it true that most of the Syrian people, who have no control on making decisions are in support of Greater Syria?

I have seen that those in charge of policy at the Russian Legation are also interested in knowing about the political activity that is taking place these days in Baghdad.


Report on Syrian politics following the coup by Husni al-Za'im at the end of March.


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Emir Farid Chehab Collection, GB165-0384, Box 1, File 77/1, Middle East Centre Archive, St Antony’s College, Oxford.


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Youmna and Tony Asseily