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Excerpt from a Dissertation by M.I. Ivanova in the CC CPSU Academy of Social Sciences

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation





from a dissertation by Ivanova, M. I. in the CC CPSU Academy of Social Sciences (page 133)


“Examining again the question of the work of the CC ICP with 44 representatives of Iranian workers of the city of Baku and its rayons which took place on 23 November 1920, the Communists decreed:


‘We, the responsible workers of the ICP and representatives of Iranian workers in Baku and its rayons, having heard a report of the activity of the CC ICP have decided:


1. The members of the former CC ICP, the Agayevs (Bagram and Kamran), Dzhavad Zade, and Neymat Basir are considered guilty in the destruction of the Iranian revolution; all the workers hate them for their actions; therefore they do not have the right to be members of a new CC. We demand their removal since we do not consider them our representatives. We want to see our best and loyal representatives in the new CC.


2. In view of the fact that Alikhanov, Sultan Zade, and Dzhavad Zade have left for Moscow as representatives of the ICP, we request higher Party organizations and the new CC ICP immediately report to Moscow that these people are not our representatives and do not have the right to act in our name.’”


Attested: [signature illegible]


An excerpt from M.I. Ivanova's dissertation which quotes a decision by the Central Committee of the Iranian Communist Party (ICP).


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GAPPOD, f. 1, s. 89, i. 89. Obtained for CWIHP by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Leon Levy Foundation