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January 30, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, 'Phạm Ngọc Thạch Will Visit the Soviet Union and China to Discuss Cultural Cooperation'

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation




等级           越南台来

委收号  (64)办

















Received telegram of the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee  

Forward to the First Division

Rank: expedited                          From DRV

Number: 64


 Phạm Ngọc Thạch Will Visit the Soviet Union and China to Discuss Cultural Cooperation


Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee,


When our embassy hosted a dinner for musicians visiting China, Division Head Vietnamese Cultural Liaison Committee Ninh Văn Phan told the following to Chinese Charge D’Affaires Du. First, Director of the Committee Phạm Ngọc Thạch will visit the Soviet Union in February to discuss Soviet-Vietnamese Cultural Cooperation Plan of 1964. On his way back he will discuss the Chinese-Vietnamese supplementary cultural cooperation plan of 1964 in Beijing. Second, DRV has drafted the supplementary plan and submitted to Vietnamese Prime Minister Phạm Hùng, who is still too busy to review and endorse it. The supplementary plan is five or six times of the one for last year, not including direct contacts between government institutions such as between the departments of medicines. Phan then said that the DRV would mainly learn from China and reduce contacts with Eastern European countries in the future. Because Eastern European culture was filled with revisionism, DRV would only maintain ceremonial contacts with Eastern European countries and focus on science and technology.


Chinese Embassy to Vietnam

30 January [1964]

After a dinner for musicians visiting China, the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam reports on a future visit by Ngoc Thach to the Soviet Union.

Document Information


PRC FMA 106-01174-04. Translated by Qingfei Yin.


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Henry Luce Foundation