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December 13, 1979

Cable, South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs to All Overseas Mission Chiefs, 'Emergency Situation (No. 29)' (Draft)

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Outgoing Telegram 

Number: AM-1221 Date and Time: 131100

To: All Overseas Mission Chiefs

From: Minister [of Foreign Affairs]


Emergency Situation (No. 29) 


1. [The emergency situation] was as following: While investigating the assassination of the late President Park Chung-hee, a new fact has been discovered, and to check if it was true or not, a military investigator was dispatched to the official residence of Army Chief of Staff in Hannam-dong at 19:00 on December 12, and during Chief of Staff Jeong’s arrest, a minor collision occurred with the security guard at the residence.


2. Minister of National Defense Noh Jae-hyun announced a special statement, the content of which is as follows. (THE END)


As below, [I] telegraph the Special Statement made by the Minister of National Defense on December 13 regarding the arrest incident of Army Chief of Staff Jeong Seung-hwa (Martial Law Commander). Please report via telegram the domestic response to this situation in each respective country of residence as such occur. (THE END)

A telegram asking overseas mission chiefs to collect foreign responses regarding the arrest incident of Army Chief of Staff Jeong Seung-hwa, Martial Law Commander.

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South Korean Foreign Ministry Archive.


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ROK Ministry of Unification