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May 22, 1980

Ministry of National Defense Report for the President, 'Intelligence on Activities of the North Korean Puppet Regime'

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

Ministry of National Defense



May 22, 1980


Ah-Il 700-634


To: Mr. President

Prime Minister


Title: Intelligence on Activities of the North Korean Puppet Regime


Reporting the following:


1. Secretary-General “Ibuki” (an expert in PRC relations) of the “Asia Friendship Association” has provided the following intelligence on activities of the North Korean puppet regime on May 12,1980 to the Political Counselor at the South Korean Embassy in Japan.


2. This intelligence has been obtained from, and is a summary of, the supplementary explanation provided by reporter Yu Yanzhu [sic] of the People’s Daily, a correspondent at the PRC Embassy in Japan, commenting on PRC Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Han Nianlong’s statement that “the North Korean Puppet Regime will not invade the South” during the working-level diplomatic talks between Japan and PRC in March 1980. For reference, it should also be added that as reported previously, Secretary-General “Ibuki” had collected intelligence on activities of North Korean puppet regime’s preparation to invade the South from reporter Yu Yanzhu [sic] on December 20, 1979 and has delivered it to our side before.


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(Contents of the Intelligence)


A. The PRC statement that “the North Korean puppet regime will not invade the South” may be a too optimistic opinion. Tensions still continue on the Korean peninsula, and the October 26 Incident and South-North talks are an opportunity for North Korean puppet regime to invade the South.


B. PRC has already communicated to the United States that it is unable to control the North Korean puppet regime, and the Americans are acknowledging this as well.


C. PRC is keeping the North Korean puppet regime in check through the oil supply, but cannot prevent the regime enforcing an invasion.


D. Amid increasing inclination towards the USSR by the North Korean puppet regime, military exchange with the USSR is actively taking place. The North Korean puppet regime anticipates that the USSR’s military capability in the Far East can deter the United States.


Attachment: A full text of the intelligence provided by Secretary-General “Ibuki” mentioned above. END


The South Korean Ministry of National Defense analyzes Chinese evidence on an alleged North Korean invasion of South Korea.

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South Korean Foreign Ministry Archive.


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ROK Ministry of Unification