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October 3, 1955

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to Vu Van Mau

This document was made possible with support from Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University

3 October 1955


His Excellency Vu Van Mau

Le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres

du Viet-Nam

Saigon, Vietnam




It is my great honor to write to Your Excellency again today and repeat my heartiest thanks for Your Excellency's kindest and most appropriate cooperation to send those representatives, who are very important and influential figures in Your Excellency’s country, to the caucus meeting held in Manila. I dare say that without the fair and untiring efforts of the Vietnamese representatives, the caucus would have ended in another failure.



As was mentioned in in my previous letter to Your Excellency, President Syngman Rhee, after having heard my reporting on the successful discussions I made with Your Excellency to open the normal diplomatic relations between the two countries, asked me to write to Your

Excellency to transmit his best thanks for the willingness and cooperation of the Vietnam Government to establish normal diplomatic relations.


Now, I would like to take this occasion to deliver to Your Excellency the decision of the Government of the Republic of Korea on the rank of envoys to be exchanged. Rank of Minister of envoy extraordinary and plenipotentiary is the decision on the part of the Republic of Korea Government.


Again, I personally wish that the negotiation in Paris between Vietnam and France on military affairs be concluded at the earliest practicable date. We are thirstily waiting for Your Excellency’s informing us of the date of simultaneous announcement.






Choi Duk-shin

Lt. Gern ROKA

Chief Military Goodwill Mission

To Vietnam






Enclosure (4)



Choi Duk Shin announces that South Korea would like to establish diplomatic relations with South Vietnam and exchange envoys.

Document Information


B-333b-103, The Korean Legation in Vietnam, Reports from the Korean Mission to the United Nations and Republic of Korea Embassies and Legations, Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University.


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Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University