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November 10, 1955

Letter from the President of the Republic of Vietnam to Lt. General Choi Duk Shin

This document was made possible with support from Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University

Republic of Vietnam

President of the Republic


Saigon, November 10, 1955


Dear General:


I have been very sensible to your letter of October 15, 1955, and I want to reply for your letter personally to express my thanks to you.


As you your self have assured them, the three points you have emphasized are the objectives of politics which the Government of the Vietnam has pursued to the present.


I hope that the solidarity which made the countries free in this part of the world will contribute to the reinforcement of aid which we receive from and wait for from the United States of America f or the defense of our ideals.


I avails myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.




Commanding I ROK Corps

Republic of Korea Army

KAPO 151-111





Enclosure (1)


In response to a previous letter, the President of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, thanks Choi Duk Shin and briefly mentions United States foreign aid.

Document Information


B-333b-100, The Korean Legation in Vietnam, Reports from the Korean Mission to the United Nations and Republic of Korea Embassies and Legations, Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University.


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Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University