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November 8, 1955

Letter from the Secretary of State of the Republic of Vietnam to Lt. General Choi Duk Shin

This document was made possible with support from Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University

The Republic of Vietnam

Department of Foreign Affairs

Secretary of State


Saigon, November 8, 1955


No. 4474/DAP


Dear General:


In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of October 3, 1955, I have the honor to inform you that, by the letter of this date, I have confirmed to His Excellency Chung W. Cho the accord of my Government for the exchange of the diplomatic representatives with the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister plenipotentiary between Korea and Vietnam.


The new Government of the Republic of Vietnam under the leadership of the President NGO-DINH-DIEM is extremely desirous of seeing establish the close cooperation between the two countries under the war by which we lead together for the defence of our liberty and that of other democratic countries.


At this moment when the relations between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Vietnam are going to be entered into a new phase, it is most agreeable for me to emphasize the preponderant role which, in front of deverse missions of goodwill, personally you have played in favor of the establishment and of the reinforcement of this relations.


I wish you to accept, my Dear General, the assurances of my highest consideration.




Commanding I ROK Corps

Republic of Korea Army

KAPO 151-111





Enclosure (3)


The South Vietnamese Secretary of State writes to Choi Duk Shin, expressing his country's desire to establish diplomatic relations with South Korea.


Document Information


B-333b-102, The Korean Legation in Vietnam, Reports from the Korean Mission to the United Nations and Republic of Korea Embassies and Legations, Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University.


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Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University