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April 26, 1963

Cable from the Chinese General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries et al, ‘Regarding the Question of the Experts' Rotation'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Cable Sent by the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries


Already Sent To: Mali

Addressed to: Du Pingquan, Wei Yunshi, Qian Zhengying, Li Jihuan

Copy: Year of the Rabbit [1963] No.


Degree of Urgency: Urgent

Degree of Secrecy: Secret

[19]63 Foreign Economic Relations Bureau Document No. 190


Regarding the Question of the Experts' Rotation


[To the] [Chinese] Embassy in Mali:


In order to better aid Mali, regarding the issue of rotating the experts, [after] undergoing research, Tang Yaozu cannot return to China until the two newly sent sugar cane experts have arrived in Mali and finished the transition. Other experts, such as Ma Fang, will continue their employment [in Mali]. We intend to rotate [the other experts] prior to the fourth quarter of this year. If individual experts' successors have not [been able to] deploy, then [those experts] cannot be rotated out [but] at that time permission will be given to return to China on leave. The experts' families in China are being properly taken care of by us. Besides, please do forward the consolation letter to our experts and encourage them to make persistent efforts and fulfill their duties. If you have any comments, please reply.


Please try to find out exactly how long the Malian side's need to have our experts stay, and the problem of arranging manpower, rotation, and vacations.


Additionally, according to the telegram of 24 April, Li Xiesheng was asked to return to China.


General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Hydraulic and Electric

Ministry of Agricultural Machinery

26 April 1963


Chinese experts are instructed to remain in Mali, despite problems they are personally facing.

Document Information


PRC FMA 108-00889-04. Obtained by Gregg Brazinsky and translated by Marian Rosenberg.


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MacArthur Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation