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November 3, 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov and Cde. Langvang to Cde. Beria

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation



[USSR MVD Secretariat letterhead]


Fond 9401ss

Opis' 2

Delo 100

Top Secret

[handwritten: classified sheets: 34-41, 470-473, 474-480]


DELO Nº Op [Osobaya Papka, Special Folder] 1-1

correspondence with Cde. I. V. Stalin

beginning 3 October 19[4]5

ending 20 October 19[4]5

number of sheets: 492

Vol. Nº 17



Nº 1-1 [[p.]] 620]



Top Secret

Copy Nº 6



from Alma-Ata

Moscow, USSR NKVD - to Cde. BERIA


We are sending a translation of a letter of ALIHAN TORE [Shakirjan] to Cde. Stalin which he passed in the Consulate on 31 October 1945.


"To the leader of the great Soviet Union, the good, benevolent, his Excellency Stalin.


Please accept the message below of those who are suffering:


We peoples of Eastern Turkestan have already been under the yoke and bondage of the Chinese government for 200 years. Spending this long period under the yoke of the Chinese government we not only do not have any rights, but have been deprived of shelter since our property has been periodically subjected to confiscation.


Our best people were put in prison based on false information, where they were subjected to intolerable torture and murder. Our holy religion has been insulted. Our land, which flourished in the past, has been turned into destitution from intolerable taxes and fines. Having bought an official position in central China, Chinese careerists have been pursuing a dirty policy with respect to us. They have equated the peoples of Eastern Turkestan to animals and exploited them like animals. The Chinese, being a people of little culture themselves, have exploited us savagely, considering us a lower race. Having deprived us of knowledge and culture, they have brought us to a wretched condition. As a result of all this, all our people, who have clearly recognized our position, and united under the slogans of friendship and unity, rose up against oppression. A bloody battle broke out among us. We united under the slogan, "the power of the majority is God's power", and the people's strength smashed the enemy everywhere he was encountered. We have liberated three districts of our homeland from the Chinese oppressors and created our republican government.


At the present time the Chinese government has not recognized we peoples of Eastern Turkestan. We can defend our rights and homeland of East Turkestan. We have become masters of our own situation.


Our conquests as a result of revolutionary struggle and our further welfare depend on our great neighbor the bulwark of the oppressed of the entire world, and its great leader and father of peoples who loves people and respects human rights.

We peoples of Eastern Turkestan have risen up (severed ourselves) from subordination to the Chinese government. We have severed ourselves since water cannot be combined with a flame, as a sheep cannot get along with a wolf.

We peoples of Eastern Turkestan sworn before God not to put down [our] weapons until we win our motherland and achieve full rights.

The five million people of Eastern Turkestan declare that in the achievement of these rights they need the daily help of our great people-loving neighbor, the great Soviet Union and its great leaders.

[Translator's note: three words missing, cut off in the reproduced page]… that in this great struggle we [will] achieve…

[there is missing text between the reproduced pages] …know that we have no other possibility.

Chairman of the government ALIHAN TORE, Deputy Chairman of the government HASHIM SHAH [sic], members of the government MUHAMIDZHAN MAKHSUM [sic], KARIM KHODZHI [sic], MIRZAKAS KHODZHI [sic], MUSAVAYEV [sic], KASYMOV [sic], SALDZHANVAY [sic], DZHIKA AKHUY ZHDA0 [sic]Y, TAKHMIDZHAY SAZHITKHODZHAYEV [sic], ABDUL KADR [sic], and MOSKHAZHEV [sic].



Authenticated by [illegible signature]

Distributed to:

Cde. I. V. Stalin

Cde. V. M. Molotov

Cde. G. M. Malenkov

Cde. A. I. Mikoyan

Cde. A. Ya. Vyshinsky

3 November 1945

Nº 1248/b


A total of six copies were printed;

copies 1 to 5 were distributed to the

above addressees. Nº 6 [went to] the

NKVD Secretariat file.

Drafted by Cde. Mamulov

Basis: coded message of Sergey and Jim [SIC - Dzhim],

incoming Nº 3452 and 3453

Signature number 373 of 1 November, Index 54.

[handwritten note: Cde. Vyshinsky's copy was returned and destroyed 5 June 1946]



Yegnarov forwards to Stalin a letter from Alihan Tore Shakirjan, in which he describes Chinese oppression of the people in Eastern Turkestan and requests Soviet assistance with their "revolutionary struggle."

Document Information


GARF, Fond R-9401ss, Opis' 2, Delo 100, 270-272. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Record ID


Original Classification

Top Secret


MacArthur Foundation