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January 10, 1939

Concerning Soviet Troops in Xinjiang

[handwritten: from Minutes Nº 64

Politburo decisions for 5 January - 1 February 1939


point 46 is in classified storage


from 10 January 1939]


46. - an NKVD issue


1) The military units deployed in Xinjiang (a regiment and a transportation company) are to be transferred to the subordination of the People's Commissariat of Defense.


2) The organization of the Xinjiang army and supervision of the work of the Soviet instructors in the army is to be transferred to the control of the People's Commissariat of Defense.


Excerpts have been sent:


to Cdes. Beria and Voroshilov.


The Politburo transfers Soviet military units deployed in Xinjiang and supervision of the Xinjiang army to the control of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Document Information


RGASPI F.17 op. 162, d. 21, l. 82. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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