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April 19, 1941

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation


[handwritten: from Minutes N [[[unreadable]3]

of Politburo meetings between 10 and 26 April 1941

point 128 is in classified storage


Politburo decision]

of 19 April 1941




128. an NKO issue


Release to the NKO 5,250,000 hard currency rubles for support until the end of 1941 for the staff of the military attachés and the instruction staff in the MNR and Xinjiang, the independent NKVD rifle battalion in Xinjiang, and the topographic detachment in Xinjiang.


Excerpts have been sent:


to Cdes. Timoshenko, Zverev, Chadayev, and Malenkov.


[handwritten: CC Secretary I. Stalin]



The Politburo issued 5.25 million rubles to support the NKO's operations in the Mongolian People's Republic and Xinjiang, the independent NKVD rifle battalion in Xinjiang, and the topographic detachment in Xinjiang until the end of 1941.

Document Information


RGASPI f.17 op.162 d.34, l. 24. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation