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June 27, 1973

Telegram by Ambassador in Brussels Pignatti to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Soviet-American agreement on preventing nuclear war'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Summarizes the first comments from Min. Foreign Affairs on the agreement Soviet-American for the Prevention of Nuclear War. It is said that the philosophy of this agreement appears to have contradictions with regard to the classic strategy of NATO and diminish the credibility of the latter. Conceptions NATO military will have to be updated in light of recent agreements and ongoing trends around the Russian-American bipolarity. Just because you are at a "secondary" compared to the two supergrandi, Europeans should take the opportunity arising from this new trend to seriously address the issue of their defense. The prospect more desirable at this stage is an acceleration of proesso European unification, including the appearance of its "independent" defense.


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Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Archivio Giulio Andreotti, NATO Series, Box 180, Subseries 3, Folder 002.

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MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and Istituto Luigi Sturzo