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January 28, 1980

Cable on Meeting Between CNEA President Carlos Madero and Brazilian Ambassador Carlos F. Duarte

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Cable received

From: Embassy in Buenos Aires

Date: 1/28/1980 (partially illegible)

No. 10




Energy. Brazil-Argentina.

Visit of Admiral Castro Madero

to Brazil.


10 – Thursday 19:00 Answer to your cable 1339 and add my cable 3030. Information.

  1. I have just had an interview with the President of the National Atomic Energy Commission, Vice-admiral Carlos Castro Madero, to whom I transmitted, in the terms indicated by Your Excellency, the invitation to visit Brazil. Vice-admiral Castro Madero ……. (illegible) immediately his acceptance of the invitation and asked me to transmit to Your Excellency his gratitude. The President of CNEA agreed with the dates of 28, 29 and 30 of this January and gave me the names of his companions who will be (illegible): The Secretary General of the Commission, Doctor Jorge A. Coll and the Head of the Department of International Organizations, Commander (retired) Roberto M. Ornstein.
  2. In the course of our conversation Admiral Castro Madero, who was accompanied by Doctor Coll and Commander Ornstein, mentioned the good relations he maintained with Brazilian authorities in the nuclear energy area, the coincidence of the Brazilian and Argentine positions in dealing with the issue in the international field and stressed the political importance that an eventual cooperation agreement between the two countries on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes would have for “countering the American accusations about an alleged armaments race between Brazil and Argentina”.

(Signed) Carlos F. Duarte



A cable received from the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires, regarding the visit of Admiral Castro Madero, the president of the National Atomic Energy Commission, to Brazil. Ambassador Duarte and Madero discussed nuclear energy and the importance of an eventual cooperation agreement between Brazil and Argentina.


Document Information


Brazilian Foreign Ministry Archives


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)