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May 10, 1954

Letter from Mohammad Emin Bugra, Former Deputy Chairman of Xinjiang Province, to Yolbars Khan, Chairman of the Office for the Xinjiang Provincial Government

This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation





1. 去年开始发行刊物,均按期用挂号寄赠都退回了。因此未能继续寄奉,假使需要的话,请指定一重要机关转达可能收到。


2. 朱家骅博士同我来往信件,我已开始用土文,维文,英文印刷了单行本。


3. 至印度、巴基斯坦但阿拉伯等地来土二千多人,都已安置好了


4. 关于台湾召开反共救国会议到现在为止,我没有收到论何请帖或通知,我是不是能参加,要等到请帖收到后才能决定。


5. 二个月前在安哥拉中国驻土大使馆,他想同我面谈,我们已经谈了,他告诉我“你在国外主张新疆独立脱离中华民国,你的行为和言论都是以此项工作为中心,你应该停止这种行为和言论,中国政府不会给你们独立(自由)的,你光到台湾去看看我们的力量,然后再开始做你的事情,假使你强调你这项工作,他的后果对你不利的”当时我的答复:“我们的独立运动不是今天的事情,早在二十二年前我们就开始做这种工作,这不是一种空的论调,有的时候是实际作战的,也有时用言论来要求的,在我们故乡的自由没有来临以前,我们是不会停止的。中国政府能以和善的态度来赞助新疆独立,是一种最好的解决方式,实现我们的解放,我们觉得双方都有利益的,如果中国反对这方式,那么一个民族的解放(后面一整行未影印上)


To [Elder] Brother Yolbars,


I received your letter dated 28 February very late, as I was away from home for a long time and was not able to reply at the time.


1. We began distributing the publications last year, all of which were sent on time by registered post and they were sent back. Thus we were not able to continue sending them. If there is a need to, please appoint an important department to deliver them and they might be received.


2. Dr. Chu Chia-hua and I have been in correspondence, and I have started printing separate editions in Turkish, Uighur, and English.


3. The more than two thousand people arriving in Turkey from India, Pakistan, and Arabia have settled down.  


4. On the Anti-Communist National Salvation Conference convened in Taiwan, I have yet to receive any invitation or notification. I can only decide whether I can participate after I receive the invitation.


4. Two months ago, at the Chinese Embassy in Ankara, he had wanted to speak with me in person, and we have done so. He told me “you are advocating for the secession of Xinjiang from the Republic of China from abroad. Your actions and words are centered on this task. You should desist from such actions and words. The Chinese government will not grant you independence [freedom]. You should first go to Taiwan to take a look at our strength before you do your thing. If you keep emphasizing this task of yours, the results will not be in your favor.” My reply at the time was: “Our independence movement is not something that has just begun today, we started doing this twenty two years ago. This is not some empty rhetoric; sometimes it involves real battles, and sometimes it is sought through discourse. We will not stop until our homeland is free. The best sort of solution is for the Chinese government to take a benign stance in supporting Xinjiang’s independence. We think that our liberation is in the interests of both sides. If China is opposed to this method, then the liberation of a people [the rest of the text has not been photocopied]


In a letter to Yolbars Khan, Mohammad Emin Bugra call for the Republic of China to "take a benign stance in supporting Xinjiang’s independence."


Document Information


11-04-01-09-02-005, “Xinjiang nanmin yiju Tuerqi," West Asia Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Archives of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica. Obtained by Justin Jacobs and translated by Caixia Lu.


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Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation