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October 31, 1980

Telegram from Szabó Ferenc, 'Report to the Political Bureau on the Korean Workers’ Party’s 6th Congress and on the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the KWP'

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

Rátkai F.
Top Secret!
10 pages


Ambassador Comrade Etre Sándor


Subject: Report to the Political Bureau on the Korean Worker’s Party’s 6th Congress and on the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the KWP


To personally inform the ambassador comrade, I am attaching a copy of the report of the Hungarian party delegation about the Korean Worker’s Party’s 6th Congress that they have prepared for the Political Bureau.


I kindly ask Ambassador Comrade to send the materials back with the next express mail.


Budapest, 1980 October 31


Szabó Ferenc
Head of Department


Note on the attachment of the report of the Hungarian party delegation about the Korean Workers’ Party’s 6th Congress that they have prepared for the Political Bureau.


Document Information


MNL OL XIV-J-1-j Korea 25-005249/1980. Obtained by North Korean Materials Archive, IFES, Kyungnam University, and translated by Imre Májer.


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Kyungnam University