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April 3, 1963

Telegram from Indian Ambassador J.N. Khosla, 'Monthly Political Report for March 1963'

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Monthly Political Report for March 1963


FROM: J.N. Khosla, Ambassador

TO: Foreign Secretary, MEA

DATE: 3 April 1963

Telegram No: S.1/4/63


Mexican President’s Visit


The visit of the Mexican President to Belgrade from March 29 to April 1, 1963, was given an unusual importance. For days before his arrival, the press was full of articles on the subject.


The President, accompanied by his wife, his Foreign Minister Tello, his Minister for Industries and Commerce Raul Salinas Lozano, members of the Yugoslav Cabinet, all high ranking civil and military officials, and members of the diplomatic corps were out to receive them.


Belgrade looked gay in spite of bad weather. The streets through which the long car procession passed were decorated with flags and posters. Crowds of people stood alongside to give the visitors a hearty welcome.


During the visit, the two presidents held a number of talks. The long Joint Communique issued at the end of the visit, was full of usual platitudes and high sounding phrases about bilateral relations between these two countries, international relations, independence and self-determination for all peoples, peaceful co-existence amongst nations, the urgency of banning nuclear explosions and of disarmament, the imperative necessity of helping underdeveloped countries, and so on. Loyalty to the Charter of the United Nations was confirmed by the Presidents, who also expressed the hope that the proposed world conference on trade will find positive solutions to pressing economic problems.


It is believed that the Presidents discussed the question of East-West relations, Tito emphasizing the part played by Khrushchev in promoting the cause of peace. Discussing the Cuban affair, Tito is said to have praised the Mexican President for having maintained his independence of action in regard to the problem.


Needless to say that the visit has strengthened the relations between Mexico and Yugoslavia. A lasting friendship is believed to have been formed between the two Presidents. The Yugoslav press has been extolling the visit as a great contribution to international understanding and to the cause of peace. Personally I feel the real significance of the visit lay in the fact that this was the first time in history that a Latin American President paid a visit to a Communist country (From here, the Mexican President went to Warsaw).


As the Minister of Industries has accompanied the President, it was believed that this visit would pave the way for some trade between the two countries. (At present there is hardly any). A number of conferences were held and I understand that even the two Presidents expressed a keen desire that something should be done to establish closer trade ties. But no tangible result came out of it, except that it was agreed that a Mexican Trade Delegation should visit this country some time in the autumn this year.




This document reports on the Mexican President’s visit to Yugoslavia


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File No. HI/1012(59)/63. Obtained by Ryan Musto.

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