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October 23, 1958

Note by Foreign Secretary Subimal Dutt on Goa’s Independence

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Ministry of External Affairs, SECRET


I feel that it would be most dangerous for us to suggest a plebiscite in Goa to decide whether Goa should continue to remain with Portugal or become independent and autonomous. Shri Chagla himself says that if a plebiscite is taken to decide whether Goa should remain with Portugal or join us, the decision, in all probability, will be adverse to us. If that is to be believed, no further proof is needed to show that the people of Goa have no appreciation of realities. A small independent Goa would always blackmail India and might conceivably be used by big powers as a weapon of pressure against India. By no canon of history, economy or logic can Goa have any future except as part of India. To quieten the suspicions of the Catholic minority and others who have profited by association with Portugal, some guarantee of internal autonomy might be given by the Government of India to Goa as a separate unit.


(S. Dutt), 23-10-58



Dutt recommends against holding a plebiscite in Goa as it would likely go in favor of continued Portuguese control.


Document Information


Subimal Dutt, Sub Folder 33, pg. 55


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)