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July 14, 1959

Telegram from Foreign Secretary Subimal Dutt to the India Embassy in Buenos Aires on Antarctica

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

India Embassy in Buenos Aires, 14-07-1959


For Ambassador,


Your telegram 52 of July 11. In 1956 we suggested discussion of Antarctica in UN. But as a result of opposition, particularly from Latin American countries, we did not press for a debate. Our proposal is therefore not new. Since then there have been a number of developments which led us to believe that it would be useful to have a discussion of the subject in the UN. First, the researched [sic.] undertaken during the International Geophysical Year show that Antarctica has possibilities which may affect vast areas of the world. Secondly, several Latin American countries have accepted an invitation from the US to a conference of selected Powers to discuss this subject. In our view it would not be reasonable to infer that only those countries which have participated in scientific activities in the Antarctica [sic.] in connection with the International Geophysical Year have a direct interest in Antarctica and therefore, instead of a discussion limited only to 11 countries, a discussion in the UN would be of greater advantage. So far as we are concerned, we shall take care that the discussions are limited to possibilities of investigation and research and such like matters and do not interfere with such rights and claims under the Charter as different states have or may make in this area. We have no precise plan for action at this stage.

We hope that you will be able to explain all this suitably to the Argentine/Chilean Government and re-affirm our friendship with them.


(S. Dutt)

Telegram No. 7261



Dutt explains the reasoning behind holding a discussion of Antarctica at the UN.


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Document Information


Subimal Dutt Subject File No. 55, pg. 186-187


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)