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April 27, 1986

Notice from the Operative Plenipotentiary of the 2nd Division of the 6th Administration of the Ukr. SSR KGB

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

[Handwritten: “Secret”]




According to a message from the director of the Ukr. SSR Academy of Science’s Institute of Nuclear Research, I.N. Vishnevskii, a D 43-82 K.Kh. VAZ brand automobile, driver named Ivanitsskii, appeared on April 27th, 1986 as measurements were being conducted of the environment within the established zone (a radius of 30 km around Kiev), on which the Institute conducts observation according to a permanently active agency agreement with the inspection station of the Ukr. SSR AS INR on the border of Khotov in Kiev Oblast. Examination established that the level of radiation on the surface of the automobile exceeded the background level by 5,000 times. According to Ivanitskii, he and his passengers left Pripyat at 6 AM on 27.04.1986 heading toward Khotov for recreation in the forest. The car and its passengers were delivered to the grounds of the Ukr. SSR AS INR, where the car’s decontamination is being completed. The question of the possible hospitalization of these individuals at a medical institution in Kiev is being deliberated on by the administration.


Operative Plenipotentiary of the 2nd Division of the 6th Administration of the Ukr. SSR KGB





The document refers to the detention of a civilian vehicle which exceeded the level of radiation permitted by the decontamination project of the Institute for Nuclear Research, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Document Information


HDA SBU, f. 65, spr. 1, t. 34. Originally published by the Center for Research into the Liberation Movement (TsDVR) together with the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)