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December 18, 1948

Result of the 4-hour Meeting with Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Otto Grotewohl, Fred Oelsne, and Stalin

Result of the 4-hour MeetinK on 12.18.1948

[Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Otto Grotewohl, Fred Oelsner, Stalin)


Affair Gniffke — how possible — parity

what lessons — Pol. bureau


Situation of the KPD


sever connection (with SED) —

Tasks in consequence of split G[ermany]

because of sep. Western state other —

also because of split of the work[ers] movement other tasks —

Struggle for democracy

Help to KPD

Literature — 5

Paper — print shop — money


monthl. 1 80,000 W[estem] M[arks]

Subsidies Paper [Ztg.] 80— 1 00,000


in sm[all] secr[etariat] 1 man   Dahlem

especially for the West

Party app[ aratus]


send simple people into SPD

Fight too open — mask

discuss only with Reimann


whether companies from East to West

Econ. penal law

DWK [German Economic Commission] Oct.

Economic questions

Law against speculation

Law excl[usive] buying right of the state

in companies a[nd] stocks

Law not cult[ivated] land will be retracted

Law regarding agricultural workers situation

Contradictions between

Work[ers?] - Day [Arb. - Tag]

Agricultural work[ers] a[nd] large farmers [Großbauem]

Law mach. stations buy through the state

from VdgB [Association for Mutual Farmers' Help]

No dispossession, still too early

in SU 1 925/27

Preliminary stage to collectivization

no people's democracy yet

do not move against groups of owners

only against individuals, when these sabotage [noun]

regulate through economic means

raw materials, fuel

Treaty instead of control

not direct interventions, but zig-zag —

opportunist policy

toward socialism — Why

Situation not equal

to VD [People's Democracies]

not uniform state yet

do not stand before power

Unity Peace

Lowering of prices   Wage increases

Improve nutrition


Struggle too openly

cautious policy necessary

(Comparison Teutons)

Undermine LPD

Not boast of Plan, differentiate

How to gather the people around the party

Wholesale trade — question of the prices —

central state trade offices [staatl. Handelszentralen] correct

Delivery system elastic

Favor small farmers

little by little help from Moscow

Nationalize Machine stations

turn into pol. centers — as SU 1926/27

Purge agric. cooperat[ions]

Raw materials not through 1.-H. [Industry - Trade] chamber



Economic plan


24,000 t fat raise by 20g [,] 600g month

Foodstuffs (grain, barley, peeled barely)

Raw materials — rolled products [Walzfabrikat], steel, sulfur

Nitrogen for fertilizer

Hungary sm[all] farmers


Prov[isonal] German government

— when in the West gov[ernment] in Feb/March

leading people

German People's Chamber [Deutsche Volkskammer] chooses government

furthermore by People's Council [Volksrat], possibly people's congress

Elections not before spring 1950


People's Police

10,000 border


10,000 readiness } in barracks

furthermore 65,000

who have to be turned into officers

Academy in SU

Criminal police

pol. a[nd] mil. training


Prisoners of war

Party questions

Reorganization of the leadership

elect by party conference — upon recommendation PV [Parteivorstand]

Polbureau 7 a[nd] 2 candidates

sm[all] secr[etariat] 5 for routine work

Proposals control

Central secr[etariat] continues to exist — because according to statute

Party congress should decide

State pres[idium] [Landesvorst.]

sm[alll sekr[etariat]

Party control commission will be elected by PV

subordinate to it

have confirmed


Core [engeres] sekr[etariat] of the LV [State presidiums]


2 chairm.

P[rime] M[inister]



Internal      }    7




Questions regarding the candidates among the membership

in SU Dec. 1919    8th Party Congress

Principal decision at the party congress

Party of the New Type

(security measures for admission)

requires consolidation — guarantee

not jeopardized by influx

of those not sufficiently trained


event[ually] confirm only at party conference

Time — workers 1 year

farmers 2 years

           - - - - - - - - - - - -


2 recommendations

2 years

Influx into the party

warding off

preliminary stage

Candidate as something inferior

Quantity   Quality



Stalin meets with German officials to discuss various aspects of the post-war German economy and government.

Document Information


Wilhelm Pieck: Aufzeichnungen zur Deutschlandpolitik 1945—1953, edited by Rolf Badstübner and Wilfried Loth, pp. 259—263 (ZPA [Central Party Archive] NL 36/695, pp. 42-47)


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Meeting Notes


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