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April 19, 1948

Extract from Shortwave Listening Post, 19th April, 1948



EXTRACT from Shortwave Listening Post, 19th April, 1948.



The Chinese National Assembly, at a meeting in Nanking [Nanjing] on Saturday, approved a motion requesting the government to make a suggestion to the nations of South East Asia for a pact against communism. According to Singapore Radio this motion requests the government to attempt to get a military agreement under which the countries of South East Asia would undertake to work together to stop communist expansion, that the pact should cover India, Burma, Indo-China, Siam [Thailand] and the Philippines and other nearby countries such as Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese Government should request those countries to take part in a conference in Nanking with a view to signing the pact against communism which would have effect for 20 years at first. The Western Union in Europe and the agreement between the American States are given as examples of the sort of treaty suggested.




Singapore Radio reports that the Chinese National Assembly has proposed the formation of a "pact against communism" among Southeast Asian countries.


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A1838, 532/11/1/3, National Archives of Australia.


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