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December 6, 1985

Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee R. Ul'ianovskii, 'On a Request from the Leadership of the People's Party of Iran'

Top Secret
Special Folder


CPSU Central Committee


On a request from the leadership of the People's Party of Iran


The First Secretary of the People's Party of Iran (PPI) Central Committee, Comrade A. Khavari, has communicated a request to provide cooperation in sending several members of the PPI (10-15 people) from the Soviet Union to Iran for illegal Party work, who had earlier come to the USSR from Iran seeking political refugee status.


According to the opinion of the PPI's leadership, these members of the PPI could be returned to Iran through the Soviet-Iran border in a simple way by including them among the number of those being returned to Iranian territory for border violations by Soviet border authorities.


Considering the importance of providing practical assistance to the leadership of the PPI in renewing the activity of Party cells in Iran, it would be expedient to approve the request of our Iranian comrades and direct the USSR Committee on State Security to adopt measures to organize the covert transfer of 10-15 members of the PPI (according to a special list from the PPI's leadership) from the USSR to Iran across the border.


The Chair of the USSR Committee of State Security, Comrade V.M. Chebrikov, is in agreement.


A draft CPSU Central Committee Resolution is attached.


Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee


R. Ul'ianovskii


December 6, 1985
No. 18-S-2364


R. Ulianovskii reports to the CPSU Central Committee Ali Khavari's request for 10-15 PPI members to receive training in the USSR


Document Information


RGANI, f. 89, op.15, d.22, ll. 3. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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Top Secret