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October 16, 1985

Letter, First Secretary of the People's Party of Iran Central Committee A. Khavari to the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee

Translation from Farsi


International Department of the CPSU Central Committee


Dear Comrades,


The People's Party of Iran (PPI), after suffering a cruel assault on it by the forces of imperialism and reaction, has begun the difficult work to renew its Party organization in Iran. Together with the use of other capabilities available to us, we desperately need to send a limited number of carefully selected PPI members across the USSR's southern borders for work in Iran.


We are addressing you with a request to approve your request, since it holds serious significance for the growth of our organization and propaganda efforts.


The Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran expresses its sincere acknowledgement of the fraternal solidarity and unselfish assistance from the CPSU.




A. Khavari

First Secretary of the People's Party of Iran Central Committee


October 16, 1985


Translated by: [Signature] V. Gudimenko


Request from Ali Khavari to send PPI members to USSR for training in propaganda strategy.


Document Information


RGANI, f. 89, op.15, d.22, ll. 4-5. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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