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January 7, 1986

Letter, Farhad Olfat to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Top Secret


Translation from Farsi




Dear Comrades,


The Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People (OMIP) is leading a nationwide revolutionary struggle for the overthrow of the reactionary medieval regime of Khomeini and, in accordance with documents it has published, is conducting a full-scale military-political, social and propaganda battle against this regime. In order to achieve its revolutionary and anti-imperialist goals, consisting finally in the organization of an armed uprising by the people, OMIP, according to an evaluation by the last plenary session of the Central Committee, needs a sum of up to 300 million dollars.


It is understood that a significant part of OMIP's needs are covered by material aid from the people and other sources from Mujahadin inside Iran, as well as by the expropriation of funds belonging to Khomeini's regime. Together with these sources, for the purposes of securing the missing funds we are addressing our Comrades from the CPSU Central Committee with a request to present the Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People with any acceptable sum in the form of a loan (even if it is one third of the mentioned amount). This will naturally have a serious and unforgettable impact on the development of the nationwide revolutionary struggle in Iran.


It is necessary to note that OMIP is suffering from a serious need for the amount indicated, and it has actual, decisive significance for the planning of strategy and tactics of the Organization for 1986. Because of this, we request your approval of our request as soon as possible.


The Organiation of Mujahadin of the Iranian People hereby gives its commitment under any conditions that may arise in the future to return the indicated loan in partial payments beginning in 1988, even if it is necessary for this to use funds coming from the people.


With gratitude,


Farhad Olfat

Politburo member and representative of the Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People


January 7, 1986


Farhad Olfat request in the name of the Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People (OMIP) for $300 million to support a worldwide struggle to overthrow Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Olfat argues the OMIP is in desperate need of the funds and they would have "actual, decisive significance" for plans moving forward.


Document Information


RGANI, f. 89, op.15, d.24, ll. 40-42. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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Top Secret