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August 27, 1979

Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee V. Zagladin, 'On a Request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran'



Top Secret


CPSU Central Committee

On a request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran


The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran, (PPI) Comrade N. Kiyanuri, has addressed the CPSU Central Committee with a request to present the PPI with a quantity of [Handwritten: "weapons (automatic rifles and grenades) of non-Soviet manufacture."]


Our Iranian comrades are motivated to make this request by the necessity of preparing members of the People's Party of Iran [Handwritten: "for self-defense"] in the case of open [Handwritten: "armed uprising"] of Iranian reactionaries on leftist organizations.


It would be expedient to direct the USSR Committee of State Security and the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces to study this question and present the CPSU Central Committee with appropriate proposals.


A draft CPSU Central Committee Resolution is attached.


Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee


(V. Zagladin)


August 27, 1979

No. 25-S-1568


Memorandum from Zagladan reporting PPI request for "non-Soviet" weapons in case of an open uprising in Iran.


Related Documents

August 30, 1979

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'On a Request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran'

Resolution of the TsK KPSS Secretariat ordering that the Committee for State Security (KGB) and the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces consider the possibility of delivering non-Soviet weapons to the People's Party of Iran (PPI).

August 30, 1979

Extract from Minutes No. 174 Para. 47gs of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, 'On a Request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran'

Central Committee of Iran requests, and receives approval for, the USSR Committee of State Security and the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces to ‘study the question’ of potentially providing the Tudeh Party with non-Soviet weapons.

August 1, 1979

Letter, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran N. Kianuri to the Central Committee of the CPSU

Memorandum from N. Kianuri, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran, outlining the possibility of open civil war in Iran. To prepare for this possibility, Kianuri requests the Central Committee of the CPSU to sell arms to the PPI.

July 6, 1980

Iu. Andropov and B. Ponomarev, 'On a Request from the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran Comrade Kiyanuri'

Iu. Andropov and B. Ponomarev give their opinion on Tudeh Party First Secretary Kiyanuri’s request for weapons from the USSR.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 89, op.32, d.10, ll. 3. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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Top Secret