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June 3, 1980

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'On a Request from the Leadership of the People's Party of Iran'

No. ST 214/73gs from 9.VI.1980






of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

On a request from the leadership of the People's Party of Iran




1. To approve the request from the leadership of the People's Party of Iran (PPI) to pay expenses related to the travel of 10 PPI Party Workers from Iran to the USSR for Party business, in the sum of 5,270 (578,920 Iranian Riyals). To pay these expenses from the Party budget.


2. To direct the USSR Ministry of Finance (Comrade Garbuzov) to distribute Iranian currency to the CPSU Central Committee Administration of Affairs in the amount of 5,270 rubles (578,920 Iranian Riyals).


3. To direct the USSR Committee of State Security [i.e. KGB] to provide cooperation in the transfer of the noted sum in Iranian Riyals to the representative of the PPI Central Committee in Teheran.




Central Committee of the Soviet Union agrees to pay for the travel of 10 Tudeh Party members to come to the USSR for ‘party business.’

Document Information


RGANI, f. 89, op. 32, d. 33, ll. 1-2. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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Top Secret