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March 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

School of Guerrillas in Xalapa, Veracruz


The following should be added to the prior statement by Angel Bravo Cisneros:


During the development of the trip destined for the city of Pyongyang, capital of North Korea, when [the travelers] were in East Berlin and made known the final destination of their travels, all were given a passport that identified them as citizens of that People’s Republic. Apparently, officials at the USSR department of immigration, as well as those in some other socialist countries like Czechoslovakia and Poland, were notified of the fraudulent nationalities [of these individuals], because when their passports were demanded in order to travel by train, Felipe Peñaloza, aka “Efraín,” was found to be carrying his Mexican military service record. The official who saw it indicated to him, by way of gestures, that he should hide it. It was also made known that upon arriving in Moscow, his immigration documents were not reviewed, and even mentioned that during a train stop on the Polish border, they were taken to a dining room and nobody troubled them about their identification.


Consider that the majority of the members of the organization called the “Revolutionary Action Movement” who traveled to North Korea to receive training are natives of Michoacán. This is due to the fact that the students in the state university there, unlike those from the rest of the state, have a long tradition of revolutionary struggle, and as a consequence, there is a high level of politicization within the student body.


The name of their organization has been known since they were in Moscow. Fabricio Gomez Souza was the one who made known its name, in a talk held in the hotel where they were staying, as well as the fundamental orientation of the group toward armed struggle and the division that fight might undergo at a given moment, that is, using both an urban force that would be called “The Second of October” and a rural army, to be dubbed the “People’s Army of the MAR.”


Upon returning to our country after their trip, in September, the recruitment of new members of the organization began so as to follow orders from their North Korean teachers about dissemination of their newly acquired knowledge. A first school was set up in Patzcuaro, Michoacán, another in Salamanca, Guanajuato, still another in Irapuato, Guanajuato, and one more in Querétaro, Querétaro. The courses in each of these were one and a half months to two months in duration. Bravo Cisneros said that he did not know how many students were at each school, and mentioned of course the other school in Xalapa, Veracruz.


When asked specifically, Bravo Cisneros responded that the pseudonyms of his comrades are as follows: Ramon Cardona Medel, aka “Antolín,” Armando González Carrillo, aka “Cruz,” Fernando Pineda Ochoa, aka “René,” (Mario Fernandez),[1] Guillermo Moreno, aka “Cornelio,” Pedro Estrada, aka “Ariel,” Marisol Vega, aka “Carolina,” Martha Elba Cisneros, aka “Cristina,” Estanislao Hernández, aka “Gerardo,” Manuel Arreola Tellez, aka “Héctor,” José Luís Chagoya, aka “Arturo,” Felipe Peñaloza Garcia, aka “Efraín,” one with the last name Ariza, aka “Ricardo Salgado,” Salvador Castañeda, aka “Jaime,” Andres Mancilla, aka “Artemio Cuesi,” Horacio Arroyo Sousa, aka “Rubén Palafox,” Fabricio Gómez Souza, aka “Roberto,” and the witness himself, aka “Eliezer.” All adopted their pseudonyms according to their own whims when they met in Paris.


Under interrogation, Fabricio Gómez Souza, aka “Roberto,” “Cristóbal,” or “Luís,” said:


In the first group that traveled to North Korea, there were ten individuals, who were Paulino Peña Peña, aka “Esteban,” or “Jesús,” Salvador Castañeda Alvarez, aka “Jaime,” Octavio Marquez, aka “Antonio,” Candelario Pacheco, aka “Victor,” Martha Maldonado, aka “Esther,” Camilo Estrada, aka “Cuauhtémoc,” Dimas Castañeda Marquez, aka “Simón,” Alejandro López Murillo, aka “Ramón,” and two others whom he only knew by the names of Juan and Alfredo.


About the trip with these ten individuals, Gómez Souza stated the following:


When he studied at “Patrice Lumumba” University in Moscow in 1966, his comrades Alejandro López Murillo, Salvador Castañeda Alvarez, Camilo Estrada, Martha Maldonado, Octavio Marquez, Candelario Pacheco, Leonardo Mendoza, and Juan Raulchin also lived in that capital city. In talks and meetings, they agreed to form a political party to work toward revolutionary struggle in Mexico, and with this agreement, began to visit the embassies of various countries in Moscow, Cuba among them. When the embassy officials learned of their ambitions, since they asked for economic aid and training, they were told that the embassies would not help them as they were from Mexico. At that point, they visited the embassy of Vietnam also, where their request was not considered because, as the embassy told them, they had enough of their own problems. Similarly, they interviewed diplomats from the People’s Republic of China, where the excessive worship of Mao Zedong was given as a condition for any aid, as well as that in our country, they would act as agents of said People’s Republic. Lastly, after many visits to the embassy of North Korea and continual talks with its representatives, Fabricio Gómez Souza was invited to visit the city of Pyongyang after the completion of his studies in Moscow in 1968. He took advantage of this to formalize his request for help, and the North Koreans accepted a recruitment plan, developed by the requestors, to bring those who would receive training to that country, but that the North Koreans limited to ten people. These would be the members of the first group, named above, who would specialize in urban struggle, then another fifty students would be received and trained in rural fighting, in two groups of twenty-five, though the prior participants in the training school from two different occasions only numbered sixteen in one and seventeen in the other.


In order to send the first ten people, Gómez Souza received the corresponding amount of money from an official in the North Korean government whose name he said he did not remember, and the first group brought, on their return journey, the money necessary for the travel expenses of the second.


When Fabricio Gómez Souza returned from his first trip, he made contact in Morelia with Alejandro López Murillo, aka “Ramón,” who had already recruited the members of the second group in cooperation with other contacts.


Regarding the setup of the guerrilla schools in Mexico, he declared that from September of two years prior through January 26 of last year, four schools were begun. The first was in Patzcuaro, the second in Irapuato, Guanajuato, the third in La Piedad, Michoacán,[2] and the last in Xalapa, Veracruz. In these facilities, they provided instruction to three new recruits in each of them, with Armando González Carrillo serving as an instructor on demolition, Fernando Pineda Ochoa on radiotelegraphy and communication in general, and Gómez Souza on Politics and Clandestine Work, and during the intervals of operation of these schools, they rented other houses in the cities of La Barca, Jalisco; Salamanca, Guanajuato; and Querétaro, Querétaro, where the instructors themselves were living.


This individual confirms what Angel Bravo Cisneros said about the supply of North Korean passports, with the appropriate photographs, to each and every person in the group in East Berlin.


Very respectfully,

Federal Director of Security


[1] Fernandez’s name is given in parentheses, as I have kept it here, but capitalized like the real given names of the individuals in the rest of the paragraph. It is preceded by a letter “o” with an accent over it – a considerable amount of effort on a typewriter when the word “or” in Spanish is simply an unaccented ‘o’. In short, the use of Mr. Fernandez’s name in this paragraph is somewhat mysterious.


[2] This particular location is not listed by Angel Bravo Cisneros, and is distant enough from Salamanca, Guanajuato (the location mentioned by Bravo Cisneros that does not overlap with Gómez Souza’s list of training facilities) that it could be a separate school that Gómez Souza forgot to name, a more recently inaugurated school, or perhaps Bravo Cisneros had a reason not to mention it in his testimony.



Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on North Korean training of Mexican guerrillas. He describes how Mexican citizens headed for North Korea were given fraudulent documentation and other assistance from socialist countries and lists the names and pseudonyms of Mexican guerrillas given to him by a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement.

Related Documents

February 22, 1971

Statement by Fabricio Gómez Souza

Information given under oath by Fabricio Gómez Souza after his arrest. Among other things, he provides the locations of his family members' homes, details his path to socialist ideas and the Revolutionary Action Movement, lists the names and pseudonyms of those he worked with, and explains his methods for raising funds by selling American goods in East Germany.

January 27, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on information gained from the interrogation of Rogelio Raya Morales, a member of the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR). This information includes summaries of Raya Morales's activities on behalf of the MAR, names and pseudonyms of those he worked with, and descriptions of the training received by Mexican revolutionaries in North Korea.

March 3, 1971

Memorandum from the Director for Federal Security, Cap. Luis de la Barreda Moreno

Using information gained in investigations into the Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) as well as testimonies from the interrogations of Angel Bravo Cisneros and Fabricio Gomez Souza, Director for Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno lists the names, pseudonyms, and addresses of suspected MAR members and the locations of Marxist schools in Mexico.

February 28, 1971

Memorandum from Federal Director of Security, Cap. Luís de la Barreda Moreno

Director of Federal Security Luis de la Barreda Moreno reports on the details of Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) member Angel Bravo Cisneros's confession to participating in a robbery at the Three Golden Stars truck terminal, including other MAR members involved in obtaining or hiding the money.

May 1971

Some Truths about the M.A.R. (Revolutionary Action Movement)

Seeking to correct press coverage of the arrests of Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) members, the imprisoned members describe their arrests and those of their relatives, highlight tactics of coercion and physical torture used by security forces to extract confessions, and share information on the case that they believe is being misrepresented.

February 20, 1971

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March 15, 1971

Press Release

In this press release, the Mexican Solicitor General describes the criminal activity of the nineteen Revolutionary Action Movement (MAR) members arrested for the assault and robbery of a cashier from the Commerce Bank of Morelia at the Three Stars bus terminal. He swears to continue the investigation with the goal of arresting all MAR members as well as others trained in North Korea or recruited from abroad.

November 27, 1969

Letter from the Soviet Embassy in Mexico to the General Administration of Ceremonies of the Secretary of Foreign Relations of the United Mexican States

The Soviet embassy in Mexico requests diplomatic identification cards for the Minister-Counselor of the USSR Embassy in Mexico Dmitri A. Diakonov and his wife Veronika Diakonova.

March 19, 1971

Press Release from the Office of Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty

This press release quotes Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty as praising the Mexican government for its effectiveness in clamping down on Communist guerrillas trained in North Korea, action he sees as part of a broader effort to eliminate Russian subversive activity in the hemisphere.

February 21, 1966

Letter Number 149 from the Ambassador of Mexico in Moscow, Jose E. Iturriaga, to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs

The Mexican Ambassador in the Soviet Union reports the names of Mexican students in the USSR. The students in the Soviet Union include members of the Revolutionary Action Movement.

February 6, 1963

Memorandum from the Federal Directory of Security

Mexican Federal Director of Security Manuel Rangel Escamilla reports on representatives of the Soviet Communist Youth's arrival from Moscow, describing the reception they received and providing an overview of their itinerary.

Document Information


AGN, Instituciones Gubernamentales Siglo XX, Secretaría de Gobernación, Dirección Federal de Seguridad, Movimiento de Acción Revolucionaria version pública, expediente 1/14, fojas 111-114. Obtained by Manuel Guerra de Luna.


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Kyungnam University