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July 28, 1966

Letter by Andrea Cagiati of Directorate General for Political Affairs and Security (DGAP) to Andreotti

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

The Diplomatic Adviser Andrea Cagiati - after 4 years of service in NATO - will be moved to Madrid and he sends Andreotti the following:
1) his personal opinions with regards to the meeting recently held in Paris by the MacNamara Committee (document dated 29th July 1966); 2) a note titled "Special MacNamara Committee" - Paris meeting (26th July 1966), dated 28th July, which reports the evolution of the discussions. The recent meeting highlights a difference of approach with regards to the extent and the tasks that face the new committee. The document analyzes the issue of nuclear sharing from both a military-political and a psychological side and the main NATO countries' positions.


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Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Archivio Giulio Andreotti, NATO Series, Box 164, Subseries 1, Folder 029.

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MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) and Istituto Luigi Sturzo