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October 24, 1989

Memorandum on Proposed Meeting in Prague between Directorate R of the KGB and the 1st Directorate of the CSSR FMVD


[Czech-language handwriting in the upper left-hand corner]


Copy Nº 1
[handwritten: A-O 1649/12-25-89]




The timeframe for the business meeting in Prague you proposed [between] the representatives of Directorate R of our service and the 1st Directorate of the CSSR FMVD (31 October – 3 November of this year) is unfortunately inconvenient for us in connection with [our] participation in the preparation of events devoted to the 72nd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.


Our service hopes that you will regard the postponement of the timeframes for the meeting with understanding and, if you agree, the Soviet side is ready to hold this meeting in Prague between 27 and 30 November of this year.


If for some reason these timeframes do not suit you then our comrades can come to Prague later, including the first quarter of 1990.


As regards the composition of the 1st Main Directorate delegation it is intended to include General-Major A. I. Shelenkov, Chief of Directorate R, and Colonel I. A. Kulikov, chief of a department of this directorate.


24 October 1989



[Czech-language notation dated 26 October]


The proposed time for the meeting is inconvenient.


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Obtained by Pavel Zacek.


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