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February 22, 1961

Cable, Foreign Affairs Office of the Jilin Provincial People's Committee to the Foreign Ministry Consular Affairs Department

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation


Jilin Province People’s Committee Foreign Affairs Office


61Foreign Affairs No. 9

To the Consular Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


Herewith we transmit a record of the January 20 conversation between Office Director Huang Yugui of our Office with the [North] Korean Consul General in Changchun. The topics discussed were resolving the issues of demobilized Korean People’s Army military members who hold Chinese citizenship and the citizenship of Chinese citizens who went to Korea to take part in Korea's national construction.



[seal] Jilin Province People’s Committee Foreign Affairs Office

Jilin Province People’s Committee Foreign Affairs Office

February 22, 1961 

A cover memo for a conversation between Huang Yugui and the North Korean Consul General in Changchun, Jeong Bong-gyu.

Document Information


PRC FMA 118-00942-11, 65. Translated by David Cowhig.


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Henry Luce Foundation