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July 26, 1952

Cable, Zhou Enlai to the Chairman [Mao Zedong] and Comrades Liu [Shaoqi], Zhu [De], Peng [Dehuai], [Li] Fuchun, and Su Yu

This document was made possible with support from Henry Luce Foundation











[2]一九五二年七月二十六日,毛泽东在周恩来起草的给斯大林的电报上批示z “照发。”

To the Chairman [Mao Zedong] and Comrades Liu [Shaoqi], Zhu [De], Peng [Dehuai], [Li] Fuchun, and Su Yu:[1]


The telegram I sent is attached.[2] Please ask the Chairmen to review it and provide instructions. The telegram mentions the foodstuffs industry because the Soviet government proposed cooperation on cannery issues. We need to request this time that the Soviets design a cannery in South China.


Humbly submitted,



Zhou Enlai

July 26



[1] The editors of Jianguo yilai Zhou Enlai wengao (Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC) included several footnotes in this document that provided biographical information on the individuals mentioned. These footnotes have not been translated into English. – Charles Kraus.

[2] On July 26, 1952, Mao Zedong gave instructions that the telegram to Stalin that Zhou Enlai had drafted for him be “transmitted as drafted.”

Zhou Enlai shares a draft telegram with Mao Zedong.


Document Information


Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi (CPC Central Historical Documents Research Office) and Zhongyang dang'anguan (Central Archives), eds., Jianguo yilai Zhou Enlai wengao (Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC), vol. 7 (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2018), 37-39. Translated by David Cowhig.


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Henry Luce Foundation