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March 17, 1987

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrades: Natta and Napolitano'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

This document dated March 17, 1987 is a report from Antonio Rubbi on his meeting with the Chinese foreign minister, Wu Xueqian. The most interesting facts of the meeting were that China expected to establish full relations with all Eastern European socialist countries by the end of 1987 and that the student protests had been fueled by intellectuals who wanted to “westernize” the country. As for Hu Yaobang, the Chinese official explained that had been removed from office because he had failed to uphold the principles of Chinese policy.


Document Information


Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, Archivio Partito comunista italiano, Cina, 8704, 0057-0058.


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MacArthur Foundation