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July 29, 1982

Untitled report from Stanisław Jewdoszuk, Polish Diplomat in Pyongyang

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[handwritten] Internal affairs


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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[handwritten] D.II Kor 0-2412-1-82

CODE MESSAGE No: 1160/III/1931

from: Pyongyang


date: 29 July 1982


Com. Mulicki


Com. Jewdoszuk in message No 1 of 29 July 1982 reports:


Yours, 6464


After the end of the 70th anniversary celebration, the media intensified their propaganda around Kim Jong Il. There were extensive comments about the eternal value of his work (yet unpublished) on Juche read out at the symposium. The propaganda focuses its efforts in order to convince the population that the son, a genius theorist and practitioner, is accepted worldwide as a leader of the Korean people, and that only the DPRK resolved the succession issue properly. Every day kowtowing words of foreigners are cited. The hosts seize every opportunity to underline the son’s qualities and care. The Kunsari [sic] museum devoted two halls to him (none last year), and in the auditoriums of the artillery officers’ school there are portraits of the father and the son. The officers stress the young man’s merits for the army.


Organized, open opposition against the successor is unthinkable. There could be individuals who hide their opposition, who do not show their lack of enthusiasm and keep quiet, which already is a ground for suspicion and [personnel] reshuffle.


There were no reinforced guard posts in the diplomatic quarter; there are no symptoms of tension. We do not see the connection between the refusal to accept the Japanese and the alleged tension. As the deputy head of the Foreign Department of the CC [Central Committee] Ju Jon Gol explained, the fishery agreement was not prolonged due to the unfavorable stance of the Japanese authorities that refused visas to the DPRK delegation which was to go to Tokyo for negotiations.


We shall be monitoring the situation.



Com. Natorf

Com. Dęga

Com. Piątkowski

Com. Dmochowski

Com. Dmowski

Com. Olechowski

Com. Misztal

Com. Mulicki

Com. Sędziwy

Com. Konopacki



Com. Jewdoszuk reports that, in connection with the succession issue, propaganda around Kim Jong Il is increasing.

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AMSZ, Department II, 43/86, w. 2. Obtained by Marek Hańderek and translated by Jerzy Giebułtowski.


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Kyungnam University