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June 4, 1984

Untitled report the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Stefan Olszowski concerning his meeting with the Soviet Ambassador Aleksandr Aksionau in Poland

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University

[handwritten] D II Kor-2413-1-84

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

No: Pf-444/D.ZSRR/84

Warsaw 4 June 1984

b.II-236-84 [handwritten]

to the file of dir. Majewski

5 June 1984



On 1st of this month I received ambassador A. Aksyonov, who passed the following information about the visit of DPRK party and state delegation with Kim Il Sung in the USSR.

  • -  -  -  -

/–/ Olszowski


re: rep. Pf – 444/D.ZSRR/84

Working translation


“The visit of the DPRK party and state delegation in the USSR headed by Kim Il Sung, took place against the backdrop of a certain expansion of contacts between CPSU and KWP, and international relations. Over the span of 23 years that have passed since Kim Il Sung’s previous official visit to the USSR, a number of problems accumulated in the Soviet-Korean relations, which require a friendly discussion.


The basic results of the talks were reflected in materials for the Soviet press. In order to supplement them we wish to convey the following:


1. Exchange of views on the basic contemporary problems showed that we now share more points of view with the Korean comrades that concern the assessment of the international situation and the causes of its deterioration. K. U. Chernenko spoke highly of the fact that the KWP and DPRK leadership understands our actions in this area, and supports many initiatives of Warsaw Pact signatories, aimed at guaranteeing European security.


Notably, Kim Il Sung stressed the need for further consolidation of the unity of the socialist countries and the intention of the Korean side to be more active in familiarizing themselves with the experience of building socialism in the USSR.


The Korean comrades expressed a point of view, one that is concurrent with ours, regarding the danger inherent in Japans militarization course and the plans to establish a block consisting of the USA-Japan-South Korea.


On his own initiative, when he mentioned DPRK relations with China, Kim Il Sung only said that they were good.


We told Kim Il Sung openly that we cannot fail to notice the important differences between our position on a number of issues and we expressed our desire to take such action so that there would be fewer or even no such discrepancies. We expressed regret in connection with the position which the Korean comrades take vis-à-vis Kampuchea. At the same time we presented a principled assessment of China’s actions on the Vietnamese border.


Kim Il Sung was told that Indochina countries are an important factor of peace and socialism in South-East Asia. Life confirms that the historical processes that take place there are irreversible. The USSR supports the efforts of Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea for the normalization of the situation in the region, and to counteract the forces that would want to reverse the course of those countries’ development.


The Korean comrades were informed of the state of Soviet-Chinese relations: our country continues efforts for their normalization and improvement without preconditions and on honest basic, but never at the expense of our security and, naturally, without damaging the interest of other countries.


We pointed out to Kim Il Sung the manifestations of political unanimity, which accompany the contacts of the Chinese leadership with political activists in the USA and Japan. From the point of view of the Chinese leadership, Japan does not carry out militarization, and in a recent conservation with Reagan Deng Xiaoping termed the intensification of armament by the US as a “certain means of containment.”


Kim Il Sung tried to defend the Chinese leadership. It is a poor country with a billion inhabitants, and its leaders count on help from Japan and the USA in the field of modernization.


The Korean leader justified his support for Sihanouk and his „coalition government” by the fact that in the past Sihanouk broke off Cambodia relations with South Korea and recognized the DPRK.


2. While discussing the situation on the Korean Peninsula Kim Il Sung emphasized especially that the DPRK has no intention of attacking the South. He dwelled on new proposals regarding the tripartite talks on Korea (DPRK, USA, South Korea), and pointed out that Washington insists on Beijing’s participation in these talks, while the latter opposes this option. The Soviet side opted for reduced tension, withdrawal of American troops from South Korea and a peaceful resolution of the existing problems without outside interference.


Having declared understanding of the goal of the new DPRK initiative, we pointed out at the same time that lately the Korean issue is becoming an object of a political game between Washington, Tokyo and Beijing. The US push the Chinese leadership toward such a resolution of the problem that would satisfy the Americans and their allies, which might lead to a dangerous situation when the Korean problem could be resolved behind the back of the Koreans themselves. We are under the impression that China’s approach to regulating the Korean problem, arouses a certain anxiety in Pyongyang.


3. Apart from official talks, Kim Il Sung spoke of possible changes on the top leadership of the state. He implied that it was his last trip abroad, and in the future, foreign visits will be undertaken on his recommendation: his son Kim Jong Il, as well as prime minister Kang Song-san. In this connection, Kim Il Sung mentioned that recently in the DPRK relatively young cadres are being put in party and government top positions, which will operate under Kim Jong Il.


4. During the talks, the parties discussed issue of expanding the trade, economic, scientific and technical relations, as well as defense cooperation. The Korean comrades made a number of request to increase, in various forms, of Soviet economic aid. The Soviet side expressed readiness to consider these propositions based on the principle of equality and mutual benefits, and – naturally – taking into consideration its real capabilities. In particular, both parties agreed that talks will continue regarding the construction of a nuclear power plant in the DPRK. In sum, one could say that talks with Kim Il Sung were beneficial and would be useful for reaching mutual understanding and trust between CPSU and KWP, the USSR and the DPRK. In his very general statement Kim Il Sung, tried to talk about issues that are not controversial to either party. The Korean side did not mention its famed „particular” views and conceptions, but preferred that the visit ended without a joint communiqué. Apart from certain organizational problems caused by the character of protocol practice adopted by the DPRK, the talks, on the whole, were conducted in a friendly and factual atmosphere.


In our opinion, there are reserves as to further expansion and improvement of relations with the DPRK, reanimation of party contacts, regular consultations regarding international relations as provided for the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. The Korean comrades agreed with the statement that such consultations will not be limited only to discussing Korean affairs, but will cover a wide range of current issues.


We believe that there are definite prospects for further actions of the friendly parties aimed at cementing the positive trends in DPRK policy, and bringing it closer to the common course of the socialist community.”


Att. 1


Com. Jaruzelski

Com. Jaroszek

Com. Jabłoński

Com. Kucza

Com. Czyrek

Com. Wiejacz

Com. Messner

Com. Dembowski

Com. Olszowski

Com. Dąbrowa

Com. Kiszczak

Com. Frąckiewicz

Com. Siwicki

Com. Majewski

Com. Dęga

Com. Smoliński

Com. Kołodziejczak

Com. Wykrętowicz

Com. Janiszewski

Com. Użycki




During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.

Document Information


AMSZ, Department II, 30/87, w. 5. Obtained by Marek Hańderek and translated by Jerzy Giebułtowski.


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Kyungnam University