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October 12, 1988

Untitled report from Mieczysław Dedo, Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, concerning succession after Kim Il Sung

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Received: 3 September 1990

No: KRLD. 0-2413-5-88

Code message No 553/IV/2745

from: Pyongyang

12 October 1988


Com. Stawiarski


Com. Dedo by message no 218 of 10 of this month informs:


Characteristically, following speculations of Western agencies, AFP in particular regarding the Kim Il Sung’s succession, in his most recent conversation with the Chinese ambassador, referred to that issue. He stated emphatically that the choice is in the hands of the Korean people, monolithically united with the KWP, with him at the head, and to him.


All kinds of hypotheses regarding this multiply among the CD. Among ambassadors of states that also recognize the ROK, we hear more and more frequently of the rising stature of  Kim Pyong-Il, KJI’s*[1] stepbrother.


The position of the latter, who until quite recently was the indisputable „dolphin”, seems to have been shaken, in connection with his alleged involvement in the catastrophe of the South Korean Airplane. In their opinion, Budapest’s step, where KPI [sic; Kim Pyong-Il] is now ambassador, aimed at a gradual normalization of relations with the ROK, would do no harm to his career, because in the hosts’ opinion, the main culprit is the Hungarian ambassador in the DPRK (“traitor”, who informs his authorities in a biased way).


It is not possible to verify the above reliably. The succession in question is taboo. As of today, the highest instance in this regard is still KIS [sic; Kim Il Sung].



Com. Kucza

Com. Olechowski

Com. Górnicki

Com. Kulski

Com. Misztal

Com. Majewski

Com. Sarewicz

Com. Napieraj

Com. Rapacki

Com. Stawiarski

Com. Sułek


* Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Sung’s son.

Poland's ambassador to the DPRK reports on the speculation over the successor to Kim Il Sung and how the Republic of Korea's normalization of relations with communist states is related to the relative ranks of Kim Pyong-Il and Kim Jong Il.

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AMSZ, Department II 25/92, w. 4. Obtained by Marek Hańderek and translated by Jerzy Giebułtowski.


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Kyungnam University