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June 9, 1989

Untitled report from Mieczysław Dedo, Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, concerning North Korea’s attitude towards Tiananmen Square protests

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Ministry of Foreign


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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Department of Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania

Received: 19 August 1992

No: KRL-D-0-2413-1-89

Att. – Sheets: 1



Code message No 3806/II/2660

from: Pyongyang

9 June 1989


b  8.06.91



Com. Stawiarski


Com. Dedo by message no 105 of 8 of this month informs:


From the PRC ambassador:


1. The local leadership [in North Korea], while still keeping under wraps from the society the events in China offers members of the central party apparatus following interpretation:


- they are a result of the lack of the “monolithic unity” among Chinese leaders, of “reformism and degenerate liberalism”,


- they were born out of the absence of a charismatic “leader” and of a tested, valid idea. In this context Chinese leadership are criticized for ignoring the „wise advice and admonitions” given to them by Kim Il Sung, and thus they generate the threat for a military coup in China. Nevertheless, it is believed that “cleansed of the influence of bourgeois ideology, the new Chinese leadership will deal with the 'threat counter-revolution'.”


2. In our opinion and that of the interlocutor, the above assessment stem from:


- the simplified Juche approach to the contemporary world [and] fears of spreading onto the DPRK (the Korean special services and the military received relevant directives).




Com. Kucza

Com. Olechowski

Com. Górnicki

Com. Majewski

Com. Pawlak

Com. Rapacki

Com. Misztal

Com. Stawiarski

Com. Sarewicz

Com. Szymański


According to Polish reports from Pyongyang, the North Korean leadership interpreteted the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in relation to lack of monolitic unity among the Chinese leadership and China's reform policies.

Document Information


AMSZ, Department II, 3/94, w. 3. Obtained by Marek Hańderek and translated by Jerzy Giebułtowski.


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Kyungnam University