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November 4, 1945

Cable, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin

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to Cde. STALIN


We consider your instructions presented in telegram Nº 3523 to be correct. In accordance with them we discussed the question again and submit the following draft changes to the American proposals about the control mechanism and the Far East Commission on Japan:


I. Changes to the US Government’s Proposals Regarding the Control Mechanism for Japan


The Soviet government considers it necessary to submit the following changes to the US government’s proposals about the control mechanism for Japan.


1. In point 1, instead of the name “Allied Military Council’ say, “Allied Control Council” or “Allied Control Commission”.


This change is dictated by the consideration that the primary nature of its work should be reflected in the very name of the control mechanism. The name “Allied Military Council’ limits the functions of the control body for Japan to purely military questions while this body deals not only with military, but also with political, administrative, cultural, and economic questions. The name “Allied Military Council’ does not take this fact into consideration.


2. in point 1, besides the change of the name of the Council, instead of the words “for the purpose of consultation with the Supreme Commander and giving him advice with respect to implementing the terms of the surrender, occupation, and control of Japan..”, say the following: “for the purpose of monitoring the observance of the surrender terms by Japan and in order to consult and give advice to the Supreme Commander with respect to implementing the terms of the surrender, occupation, and control of Japan…”


This change is occasioned by the following consideration:


After the inclusion of the word “control” in point 1 of the American draft the meaning of the expression “and of control of Japan” remains incomprehensible. This ambiguity needs to be removed, pointing out that the Allied Control Council (Allied Control Commission) is created in order to monitor the fulfillment of the surrender terms by Japan, as it says in the proposed change.


3. Add the following phrase to point 2:


“Each member of the Allied Control Council (Allied Control Commission) can be accompanied by an appropriate staff consisting of military and civilian representations”.


4. In point 3, instead of the words:


“He will confer and consult [inserted by hand: with] the Council about orders concerning questions of principle beforehand, before they are issued, if the urgent requirements of the situation permit. His decision on all question will be controlling”,


say the following:


“He will confer and consult [inserted by hand: with] the Council about orders concerning questions of principle beforehand, before they are issued. If there is disagreement [inserted by hand: with] the Supreme Commander by one of the Council members on questions of principle [inserted by hand: like the question of a change of the method of control over Japan or questions about the change of the composition of the Japanese government, the dissolution of the Japanese government, and its replacement with others], the decision of the Supreme Commander on these questions is suspended until [there is] coordination of these questions between the governments or in the Far East Commission’.


This change has as its goal the introduction of clarity in the question about cases when differences between some members of the Council and the Supreme Commander arise in the Council [inserted by hand: on questions of principle]. This change is proposed based on the right of each member of the Council to appeal to his government in such situations, providing that such differences should be eliminated through coordination between the governments or in the Far East Commission; however the decision of the Supreme Commander should be suspended before [there is] coordination of these questions.


II. Changes to the US government proposal about the Far East Commission


The Soviet Government considers it necessary to submit the following changes to the US government proposals:


1. List the countries participating in the Far East Commission in section I, namely: the USSR, the US, the British Commonwealth of Nations, China, France, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Netherlands, and Canada.


2. In section II, A, point 1 present in the following wording:


“The formulation of policy, principles, and norms in accordance with which the observance by Japan of its obligations can be defined in accordance with the surrender document”.


This point was presented in this wording in the 22 August US proposals. The wording of this point in the later draft wording of 30 October, in addition, does not contain the unclear phrase: “and between the participating governments”.


3. Present section II C in the following wording:


“The Commission will proceed in its activity from the fact of the formation of the Allied Control Council (Allied Control Commission) for Japan and will defer [to] the existing control mechanism in Japan, including the entire power structure from the government of the United States to the Supreme Commander, and also the exercise of the command of the occupation forces by the Supreme Commander”.


Exclude the remaining part of the text of this point.


The proposed change is explained by the need to point to the newly-organized Control Council for Japan in the Provision about the Far East Commission.


As concerns the last part of this point, this part should be considered unneeded in connection with the fact that the American government has abandoned this version, proposing to replace it with the new version reported in Mr. Harriman’s letter of 3 November. The new change of the American side is superfluous since it concerns the responsibilities of the Supreme Commander and does not relate to the functions of the Far East Commission.


4. In point 1 of section III instead of the words: “based on the political decisions of the Commission” say: “in accordance with the decisions of the Commission”.


Exclude the last phrase of this point since there is no need to speak of the responsibility of the Supreme Commander in the Provision about the Far East Commission.


5. Exclude point 2 of section III.


The exclusion of this point is explained by the fact that this question is envisioned in the sentences about the control mechanism for Japan (point 3).


6. In point 2 of section V instead of the words: “including the representatives of the three following powers…” say: : “including the representatives of the four following powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China”.


This change is caused by the need to ensure the unity of action of the four Allies – the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China.


7. In section VI exclude the first and second paragraphs of this section and replace them with the following words:


“The permanent location of the Far East Commission will be Washington”.


8. In section VII instead of the words: “including the representatives of three of the following powers”, say: “including the representatives of the four following powers: he United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China.”







4 November 1945


Sent via VCh

Soviet changes to American proposals for the control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan, drafted in response to objections Stalin raised in a telegram on November 4, 1945.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 98, ll. 0045-0049. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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