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November 19, 1945

Memorandum Presented to V.M. Molotov by US Ambassador Mr. Harriman on 19 November 1945

This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation

translation from English


US Ambassador Mr. Harriman

presented [this] to V. M.    

Molotov on 19 November 1945





Moscow, 19 November 1945


The Government of the United States is ready to accept the following changes to its proposals regarding the Allied Military Council for Japan:


1. The Council ought to be named “the Allied Council for Japan”. This would provide an opportunity to avoid the impression that the Council would supposedly deal only with military matters, and not implement directives connected with questions of a political, cultural, economic, etc. character.


2. There will be no objections to adding after article 2 of the initial sentence, “each representative has the right to have an appropriate staff, the size of which will be established in agreement with the Chairman of the Council”.


3. If desirable, periodic meetings of the Council after set intervals, possibly every two weeks, can be stipulated in the provision about the operation of the Council.


4. The additional paragraph introduced below could be included in the provision about the work:


“Measures relating to a change of the agreed regime of the Allied Control [Council] for Japan or relating to the approval of reconsiderations or changes of the Japanese constitution will be conducted only in accordance with decisions of the Far East Commission”.


Translated by Potrubach.

Authenticated by Potrubach.



The Government of the United States agrees to several of the suggested Soviet changes to the American proposals for a control mechanism in Japan.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 98, ll. 0166. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Blavatnik Family Foundation