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February 16, 1986

Message to be Communicated to M. Rajavi



Top Secret



to R. No222


KGB Code






At a regular meeting with representative M. Rajavi orally communicate to him the following:


"A letter from M. Rajavai and addressed to the Soviet leadership was received in Moscow and attentively considered. In connection with a request related to an expression of solidarity with the "resistance movement of the Iranian people" we would like to note that Soviet media take a positive position in relation to the Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People. We intend to express our solidarity with the progressive forces of Iran, with the understanding that this will be done in a form that is most suitable at the required moment.


Our approach to the question of the necessity of ending the Iran-Iraq war is clear: we are for ending it as soon as possible and regulating the conflict by peaceful means. We have already declared this multiple times, and our position remains unchanged.


The requests made in Moscow by F. Olfat were also attentively considered.


As for the question of presenting OMIP with a loan for the preparation of an armed uprising against Khomeini's regime, the staging of such an uprising appears to us unsubstantiated.


We are prepared to provide temporary refuge in the USSR to mujahadin coming from Iran because of repression by the authorities. It is understood that in such cases, the leadership of OMIP should inform us about the mujahadin crossing into the USSR.


It is doubtful that it would be advisable for OMIP to send a delegation to Moscow now for discussions with the CPSU Central Committee. If necessary it would be possible to return to this question later.


We thank the leadership of OMIP for the invitation of a ranking representative from the International Department of the Central Committee to come to Pants for an unofficial exchange of ideas. But considering the necessity of ensuring the confidential nature of a meeting between M. Rajavi and Soviet representatives, from our side we suggest studying the possibility of conducting such a meeting in the capital of a Socialist ally (Sofia, Budapest, or Berlin).


We are prepared to establish the frequency of contacts between OMIP and Soviet representatives in accordance with the wishes of the Iranian side.


If the political crisis in Iran intensifies and the question arises of ensuring the safety of M. Rajavi we will be prepared to consider this in light of the concrete circumstances and our capabilities.


As relates to the question of discussing the Khomeini regime's repression of the mujahadin in the Soviet press, we would like to note that the Soviet Union's mass media unchangingly express the solidarity of the Soviet people with the progressive forces in Iran and discuss their repression by the authorities, and will continue to do so in the future."


Send a telegraph about the execution of this.




A message to be communicated orally by the recipient, ‘Sofia,’ in response to M. Rajavi’s request for the USSR to announce their solidarity with the Organization of Mujahadin of the Iranian People (OMIP). The message declares that the USSR is undoubtedly supportive of the ‘progressive forces’ in Iran, but that declaration of support will take shape in the manner that best suits the moment.


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RGANI, f. 89, op.15, d.24, ll. 2-4. Contributed by Roham Alvandi and translated by Richard Iserman.


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Top Secret