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January 21, 1983

About Activities of the Political Police and the Office for Protection of the Constitution against Iranian Citizens in the GDR and West Berlin

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about activities of the political police and the Office for Protection of the Constitution against Iranian citizens in the GDR and West Berlin.


It is been unofficially communicated that employees of the Office for Protection of the Constitution in West Berlin have currently been given the assignment to intensify surveillance of some members of the Tudeh Party. Among others, these include:


Address: West Berlin, [redacted]
Student Dorm


Address: same


and his girlfriend
(further information unknown).


These individuals are under suspicion of having connections to the Soviet security service. The impetus for these surveillance measures was a previous arrest of an Iranian woman in Frankfurt/Main at the beginning of January 1983. Reportedly this was a doctor by the name of


about [redacted] years old
Address: Frankfurt/Main


who had ties to the Soviet security service.


Employees of the political police from Frankfurt/Main have carried out an investigation of the above-named person's home and an interrogation on January 12th and 13th, 1983. The focus of these investigations on was her connections to the doctor [redacted] and on an Iranian by the name of

born: [redacted]


who studied from 1981-1982 at the Harder Institute in Leipzig and was expelled from the GDR in July 1982 at the direction of the Department of International Relations of the SED's Central Committee on academic and disciplinary grounds. The investigation also focused on a telephone number in the capital of the GDR that begins with 50.


Based on statements from employees of the Office for Protection of the Constitution in West Berlin, this action has not yet obtained any results. They see the cause of the failure in the inept approach of the Frankfurt Police.


The relevant members of the Tudeh Party in West Berlin have the suspicion that the traitor of the Iranian citizens is [redacted], since he reportedly expressed threats to betray members of the Tudeh Party after his expulsion from the GDR.


Further information on this matter could not be obtained. Protection of the sources is requested.

A report on surveillance activities of members of the Tudeh Party living in West Berlin.


Document Information


BStU, MfS, HA XX, Nr. 1457, 146-147. Obtained by Roham Alvandi.


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Blavatnik Family Foundation