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September 18, 1947

Ciphered Telegram, Molotov to Cde. Stalin

3RD UNIT          



Top Secret





Inasmuch as Vyshinsky has demanded an immediate reply I sent him the following instructions in connection with his telegram Nº 8-10:


“1. You ought not engage in extended polemics with Marshall about detailed questions in the first speech in order not to weaken the presentation of the main approach of your speech with details.


2. The question of Korea. [You] ought to briefly point to the December agreement of the three governments and to the commitments of the US and USSR to jointly prepare a resolution of the question about the unification of Korea into an independent democratic country and that the new proposal of Marshall is a violation of the commitments which the United States took upon itself, and thus it is incorrect and unacceptable. It stands to reason that when the Americans introduce their new proposals about Korea in the Assembly you will have to give a comprehensive reply and criticism of this proposal.


3. [We] agree with you concerning questions of the veto and the creation of a committee of peace and security”.


If there are any other instructions about this question please report them to me to be passed to Vyshinsky. Nº 382/sh




18 September 1947


Authenticated: [illegible signature] (Smirnov)


Cde. Stalin agrees

Reported to Cde. Molotov



[handwritten: MFA cable N 18647 of 18

September [to the 4th unit?] N 1716]


Molotov reports his answers to several questions from Vyshinsky: he advises not to be so contentious with Marshall on private questions. On the Korean issues, Vyshinsky should remind the Americans about the terms of the December agreements calling for a united, democratic Korea and that Marshall's new proposals at the UN constitute a violation of these agreements. He approves Vyshinsky's position on the veto and the peace and security committee.

Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 106, ll. 0089. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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