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November 20, 1946

Cable No. 641, Dekanozov to Cde. Stalin

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)


Top Secret



to Cde. STALIN


On 18 November I received American Ambassador Smith, who had returned from the United States a few days ago. Smith reported that during his stay in Washington he had two meetings with Truman and was familiarized with his views on the question of control of atomic energy. Smith expressed a desire to be received by Generalissimo Stalin, to whom he would report his conversations with Truman. After this Smith would inform Truman of the point of view of Generalissimo Stalin on the question of control of atomic energy. Smith added that Truman attaches great importance to this question.


I told Smith that Generalissimo Stalin is not in Moscow right now, he is on vacation, and that I would inform him of the statement that Smith had made, and asked Smith in turn when he would like to be received by the Generalissimo. Smith replied that it was desirable to have a meeting soon after I. V. Stalin returned to Moscow or at such a time as Generalissimo Stalin finds convenient for himself.


Afterwards Smith turned to routine questions, the presentation of which I made in the record of the conversation sent you by mail.


Nº 641/sh





20 November 1946 Authenticated: [illegible signature] (Smirnova)



Dekanozov relates a conversation with Ambassador Smith, who indicated that President Truman was interested in control over nuclear energy. Smith would like to meet with Stalin when he returns from Sochi.


Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 102, ll. 0106. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)