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December 3, 1946

Incoming Cable No. 2209, Druzhkov [Stalin] to Cde. Molotov

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)


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to Cde. Molotov (by cipher), 3rd unit





from SOCHI sent at 1450 3 December 1946

arrived in the VKP(b) CC for decipherment at 1505 3 December 1946


Incoming Nº 2209/sh




Ref. Nº Nº 509-511 and 512-515


1. The American draft can be accepted as a basis.


2. The language of the point of the second American draft proposed by you is unquestionably correct. It is necessary to insist on this wording, and it is necessary to fight for it.


3. Point one of the American draft with the reservation about international treaties and agreements means a delay of armaments reduction since it allows reference to be made to the fact that international treaties and agreements have still not been worked out and signed. It is desirable not to have such reservations in the decision of the Assembly, but to make a decision about armaments reduction through a Security Council resolution. One could argue with the Americans here, at least to clarify their position about the role of the Security Council in this matter. However, if the situation suggests you need not insist on the exclusion of these reservations.


4. I do not advise introducing addendums about a deadline for submitting information about armed forces in view of the fact that such an addendum, as too transparent, will be exposed and fail, and accordingly your goal will not be achieved. It is not worth granting the partners an easy victory.




Deciphered at 1530 3 December 1946. Two copies printed. Belova Smirova Novoselova




Stalin approves of the American draft for arms control as a basis, but instructs Molotov to insist on specific wording for certain points. He also does not recommend introducing any addendums as he believes they will fail.


Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 103, ll. 0076-0079. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Strictly Secret


Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)