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December 17, 1973

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Geneva to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 031616, December 17, 1973, Secret

This document was made possible with support from Bilkent University



To Comrade Deputy Foreign Minister Nicolae Ghenea,


The permanent deputy representative of Lebanon to Geneva told comrade Valeriu Tudor that, despite all commentaries published by the media, Henry Kissinger did not have a meeting with the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon.


It seems however that there was a meeting with a PLO representative in Damascus.


Constantin Ene


Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Geneva clarifying that Henry Kissinger did not have a meeting with a PLO representative in Lebanon, but there was a meeting in Damascus.


Document Information


Arhiva diplomatică - Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, dosar 4022, problema 220/1974. Contributed and translated by Eliza Gheorghe.


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Bilkent University