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August 9, 1944

Stalin and Bierut Meet

During the last few days J.V. Stalin, Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the U.S.S.R., has received Mr. B. Bierut (President of the National Council of Poland), Mr. E. Osobka-Morawski (Chairman of the Polish Committee of National Liberation), Mr. A. Witos and Mme Wassilewski (Vice-Chairmen of the Polish Committee of National Liberation) and Colonel-General M. Rola-Zymierski (Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Forces), who have arrived in Moscow from Lublin.


During the conversations which took place there were discussed questions relating to the liberated territory of Poland and the mutual relations between the Polish Committee of National Liberation and the Command of the Red Army.


V.M. Molotov, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R., took part in the conversations.


Stalin, Bierut, and Molotov dicuss Polish-Soviet relations.

Document Information


Soviet Foreign Policy During the Patriotic War: Documents and Materials, Vol. 2, January 1, 1944 – December 31, 1944, trans. Andrew Rothstein. (London:Hutchinson, 1946), 99.


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