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May 30, 1989

Telegram No. 048 517 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

Telegram from: Beijing

Received: May 30, 1989, 10.00 am

Prepared for distribution: May 30, 1989, 12.00 am



Flash. For Immediate Distribution


No. 048 517


Another important veteran, Peng Zhen, signed up to the Li Peng's solution in the ongoing normalization of the situation. On behalf of the Central Committee of the CPC, he persuaded the chairmen of the so-called democratic parties /who were at the same time vice-chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress/, whose organizations have not supported the Li Peng's solution publicly yet.


In contrast during last two days, the solution was supported by the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Unions, the Komsomol, the Women's Union and the working groups of first ministries. This means that Li Peng’s and Yang Shangkun’s speech has been transferred relatively quickly to the lower echelons.


On May 30, the rest of demonstrators on the square, assisted by the Western TV crews, erected a "statue of democracy" overnight. It can be considered as an attempt to attract public attention before the so-called last march which is scheduled on May 30 and to which the Hong Kong press has been “inviting” a million people for several days.


Based on the embassy’s opinion, this event may partially complicate the situation in the center in the evening, but it will not affect the already taken course of normalization.


For the sake of completeness, the Hong Kong press considers the recent appearance of the veterans as a definitive blow to the so-called reformist members of the leadership and their agenda.


The information of the Hong Kong press (considered as to be not entirely reliable but to some extent justified) stands that the Chinese leadership has already decided to remove the so called Gang of 7 from power and their positions as well. This band consists of Secretary General Zhao, another member of the Standing Committee of PB Hu Qili, then the candidate and a member of the Standing Central Committee, Wen Jiabao and Yan Mingfu, and 3 officials responsible for economic, political and agricultural reform. We're observing. VLC.


SAUL 0260


Saul reports on the movements of demonstrators at Tiananmen Square as well as the latest statements by the CCP leadership.

Document Information


Archive of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AMZV), Telegrams Received, 048.401 - 048.800, May 26 – June 5, 1989. Contributed by Jan Adamec.


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