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June 1, 1989

Telegram No. 048 629 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

Telegram from: Beijing

Received: June 1, 1989, 09.00 am

Prepared for distribution: June 1, 1989, 11.30 am





No. 048 629


The chief of the International Relations’ Section of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and a member of the Czechoslovak branch said in an interview that they could not comment on possible changes within the leadership of the CCP because they did not receive any official information.


However, based on their reaction to the Hong Kong press speculations, it could be implied indirectly that they might have been given the internal information.


1/ They stated that the Secretary General Zhao is in office but seriously ill. Based on the embassy´s opinion, it ​confirms that he is no longer active in the office.


2 / They categorically denied that the member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, Hu Qili, participated at the aktiv [meeting of top officials] on May 19, although our findings, as well as the embassies of the socialist system countries’ findings, based on first TV broadcast, contradict it. His participation is considered as his attempt to shift towards Li Peng and Yang Shangkun and save himself at the last time. Denying that he participated at the aktiv /the press did not publish anything about his participation/ can indicate that his attempt to save himself failed and that Hu was "blacklisted".


3/ They denied the Hong Kong press’ speculations that a member of the broader Central Committee Yan Mingfu /who btw. negotiated with students/ will also be released off his office. Conversely, they pointed out that he participated at latest events, where the support for Li Peng and Yang Shangkun was expressed. Based on the embassy´s opinion, this also corresponds to the ideas that Yan Mingfu will be promoted, maybe even to the Standing Committee of Politburo, for the sake of, again, a necessary compromise. Vlc.


Saul O266


Saul reports that Zhao Ziyang has been effectively removed from office.

Document Information


Archive of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AMZV), Telegrams Received, 048.401 - 048.800, May 26 – June 5, 1989. Contributed by Jan Adamec.


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