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July 4, 1979

Activities of the Korean Embassy in the GDR Among Foreign Students

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University








Activities of the Korean Embassy in the GDR Among Foreign Students



Through several reliable unofficial informants, it has become known to us that the DPRK Embassy in the GDR intensively continues its political-ideological influencing of foreign students.  In the context of the study circles about the works of Kim Il Sung, on April 20, 1979 there took place a film cocktail in the Korean Embassy, for which approx. 20 foreign students, especially from the Africa area, were invited.  The Ambassador of the DPRK participated at this event.  This movie night was led by



born [MM/DD REDACTED] 1932

Nationality: Malawi

recorded HA II/10


At the beginning of the event, [NAME REDACTED] introduced each guest individually to the Ambassador, who welcomed them and exchanged a few private words with each of them.  The film that was shown after the welcoming was in Korean language and was commentated on by [NAME REDACTED].  It was designed as a documentary and dealt with agricultural, military, and educational issues in the DPRK.  In the process, the “voluntariness” of entering the army, agricultural products, etc. were emphasized several times.  Those present were asked to propagandize this social order among other foreign students in the GDR and fight for it in their home countries.  No comments or remarks were made about the Soviet Union or the PRC.


The emotional arrangement of the film was exclusively aimed at people from developing countries and resulted in active interest among the students who were present.

In the subsequent conversations, [NAME REDACTED] mentioned that these gatherings are now supposed to occur more frequently and, as regards content, the coverage of political-ideological questions be improved.


Due to the at present insufficient participatory strength of these events in the Embassy of the DPRK, [NAME REDACTED] asked the foreign students to advertise these events among their circles of acquaintances and thus gain further participants.


At the end, the Ambassador of the DPRK hosted a free dinner for the participants at the movie night.




Distribution List


Head of the HA XX Source: IM “Ivan”

Colonel Ludwig IM “Aszol”

ZAIG MA: Lt. Singer




The North Korean Embassy in the GDR is hosting study and film sessions for foreign students from countries such as Malawi.


Document Information


BStU, MfS, HA XX, Nr. 13507, p. 142-143. Obtained and translated by Thomas Stock.


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Kyungnam University