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October 25, 1958

Another Letter from the PRC Minister of Defense [Peng Dehuai] to Taiwanese Compatriots

This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation

The Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China’s [Peng Dehuai] Repeat Proclamation to the Taiwan Compatriots


(October 25, 1958)


Military and Civilian Compatriots on Taiwan, Penghu [Islands], Jinmen and Mazu:


We fully understand that the overwhelming majority of you are patriots, and it’s only a small handful who are happy to be slaves to the Americans.  Compatriots, matters concerning the Chinese people can only be resolved by Chinese people themselves.  What cannot be resolved right away can be dealt with through further discussions.  American political brokers like Dulles are busybodies and imagine they can stick their hands into the tangled history of the KMT and CCP, ordering the Chinese people to do this and that, harming the interests of the Chinese people for the interests of the American people.  That is to say, the first step is to isolate Taiwan, the second step is to take on trusteeship over Taiwan.  If things don’t go as they wish, they are capable to using the most vicious means; do you know how Zhang Zuolin was fated to die?  There is a Huanggutun [railway station] in the Northeast, where he was driven to death.  Imperialist elements throughout the world are entirely without conscience.  The American imperialists are particularly vicious, at least no less than the Japanese who drove Zhang Zuolin to death.  Compatriots, I urge you to be a bit more careful. I urge you not to rely on others for shelter and not let others take away your rights.  It should be easy to handle the matters between our two parties.  I have already ordered the front lines in Fujian not to shell the Jinmen airfield, Liaoluo Bay harbor, beach or boats on even[-numbered] days, to let the civilian and military compatriots on Jinmen, Little Jinmen, Dadan and Erdan islands receive sufficient supplies, including grain, vegetables, cooking oil, fuel and military equipment, for the benefit of your long-term defensive position.  If there is anything more you need, just say so, and we’ll be able to provide.  Now is the time to turn enemies into friends.  Your ships and aircraft shouldn’t come on odd[-numbered] days.  We may not shell you on odd[-numbered] days, but you still shouldn’t come, in order to avoid possible losses.  This way each month you will have half a month in which you can transport goods and not suffer shortages.  Some of you suspect that we want to destroy the unity between your civilians and military, and your troops and their officers. Compatriots, no, we hope that you strengthen your unity, only you act as one against external [enemies]. Attack and cease-fire, half attack and half cease-fire, this is not some stratagem, but the natural result of the current existing circumstances.  Our not bombarding your airports, wharf, beaches and ships, depends on the condition that you don’t bring in American convoys.  If there is a convoy, it doesn’t apply.  When Jiang [Jieshi] met with Dulles, you suffered a little loss, since you only have the right to speak on behalf of “Free China,” plus a small number of Overseas Chinese who allow you to represent them.  The Americans have set you as a little China.  On October 23, the U.S. State Department issued a pre-recorded interview with Dulles by a BBC journalist; they released the interview the moment Dulles took off from Taiwan.  He said, he had seen a Communist China, and also said that this country really did exist, and it wanted to open communication with him, etc.  Thank God, this country of ours has finally been seen by an American master.  This is the big China.  The Americans are pressured by the situation to change their policy and demoted you to an “actually existing political unit”.  This is the beginning of the first stage, which the Americans still need, which is to isolate Taiwan.  The second stage, will be for them to take charge of Taiwan.  Nationalist Party friends, don’t you feel this danger yet?  Where is your escape?  I hope you will give it some thought.  Although the announcement of these talks between Jiang and Dulles was just a communique, with no legal force, it would still be easy to get out of it, it’s just a question of whether you have the determination [to do so].  There is only one China in the world, there are not two Chinas.  We agree on this point.  All of the people of China, including you and the overseas Chinese, will absolutely forbid the realization of the American trick of forcing the creation of two Chinas.  The present era is an era full of hope, and all patriots have a future, they don’t need to fear any sort of imperialism. Of course, we are not encouraging you to immediately break off with the Americans, to do so would be unrealistic.  We only hope you do not give in to the Americans’ pressure, follow them as underlings and lose your sovereignty, and in the end have nowhere to go and get thrown into the sea.  These words of ours are well intended, we mean you no harm, and someday you will gradually come to understand.


The PRC Minister of Defense urges the Nationalists in Taiwan to be careful and guard their authority from the Americans. He argues that the United States is trying to forcibly create "Two Chinas."


Document Information


Gang er si Wuhan daxue zongbu et al, eds., Mao Zedong sixiang wansui (Long Live Mao Zedong Thought), vol. 4 (1958-1960) (Wuhan, internal circulation, May 1968): 132-133. Translated by Simon Schuchat.


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Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation